Spay & Neuter

cat5We encourage that every pet owner that is not actively managing a breeding program should spay or neuter their pets.

There is a serious pet overpopulation problem in our country today, and even if you do not intend to breed your pet, there are many accidental pregnancies.

Aside from being socially responsible, spaying and neutering is good for your pet’s health by decreasing the risk of certain cancers and other medical problems. We recommend spaying or neutering dogs and cats around 6 months of age.

Some Facts About Spay & Neuter

Spaying your female pet before the first heat cycle provides significant protection against mammary cancer; if the surgery is done after her first heat cycle, this protection is decreased.

Spaying eliminates life-threatening uterine infections called pyometras, as well as uterine and ovarian cancer. Spaying your female pet completely prevents unwanted litters and helps reduce the homeless pet population.

Neutering eliminates the risk of cancers, as well as testicular and prostatic diseases. Urine marking is greatly reduced, if not eliminated completely, especially if the animal is neutered before sexual maturity.

A male’s urge to wander in search of females in heat is a leading cause of animals being killed by vehicles; neutering eliminates hormones that fuel the urge to wander, reducing the likelihood of injury by automobiles.

Neutered pets are not as likely to be injured in fights with other animals.

Each year, millions of homeless dogs and cats are killed in shelters in virtually every city in the country. A simple, routine surgery is the responsible step toward addressing this serious and growing problem.